Giving God Our Time and Tiredness: Early Morning Prayer as a Parent
“The only thing that changed was my perspective. I began to see that my tiredness was a small offering that I could make for my wife and daughter.” – Thomas Griffin
“The only thing that changed was my perspective. I began to see that my tiredness was a small offering that I could make for my wife and daughter.” – Thomas Griffin
“Consolation increases our confidence in God and helps us to rely more on His unfailing strength.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Motherhood calls us to a mature understanding of love, which is deeply satisfying.” – Christine Hanus
“In these holy parents, I discovered seven hallmarks: Sacramental Life, Surrender, Sacrificial Love, Suffering, Simplicity, Solitude, and the Sacredness of Life.” – Patrick O’Hearn
“Believers have more of a sense of being caught behind enemy lines. It seems time for fathers to man up and engage the fray.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“As parents, we are the first models of God’s forgiveness.” – Jackie and Bobby Angel
“My eyes were opened to how precise and beautiful God’s plan is—that the living out of our vocation purposefully, intentionally, of giving in and giving way and saying yes to every cry and every sticky summons and sleepless night—and saying no to what my wounded nature wanted so badly—was a radical kind of inner house cleaning.” – Claire Dwyer
“When we give Him permission to be center of our universe, as a parent is to a child, then and only then will all be well with us.” – Christine Hanus
“One of the most common requests we receive is from parents who are distraught over their child’s serious problems…In addition to promising our fervent prayers, St. Michael Center has composed a prayer for parents to offer.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“While Advent can be a time of anxiety and chaos, allow these four weeks to prepare us for the peace and joy of Jesus Christ. Intentionally make small changes, so when the Christ child arrives, we will anxiously await to greet and welcome Him into our homes.” – Adam Minihan