The Intersection of Exorcism and Emotional Healing
“Put simply, the exorcisms did not have the desired impact (freedom from the demon) until the victim started sessions with a psychologist.” – Jordan Burke
“Put simply, the exorcisms did not have the desired impact (freedom from the demon) until the victim started sessions with a psychologist.” – Jordan Burke
“Everything, even Satan’s futile efforts, ultimately serve God’s plan and leads to our sanctification and his glory.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Satan’s entire existence seeks revenge against God whom he believes victimized him. He is spending every ounce of his dark energy forever lashing out against all that is holy.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“This offering up of suffering is ultimately a reminder to the demons of their defeat on the Cross.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“It seems that when they are possessing a human being and looking into a mirror, they see a glimpse of their horrible evil.”- Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“A particularly gifted individual told us that we have at least one angel from the angelic ranks of Powers at each of our exorcism sessions.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“The sessions were not being fully effective. On an inspiration, the Exorcist asked James, ‘Is there any freemasonry or other cult involvement in your family background?’ James responded, ‘My grandfather was a 33rd degree mason.'” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Demons are beyond hope. In their absolute and irrevocable rejection of Jesus, they have rejected God’s mercy. However, we humans are never beyond hope in this life, even at our last breath.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Can demons induce someone, in a case of their extraordinary activity, to behave compulsively? Can they induce a compulsive eating disorder?” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“At one point, demanding the name, I was surprised to hear the response, ‘Judas!’ I further inquired, ‘Are you a demon using his name or the real human who betrayed Jesus?'” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti