God Has a Penchant for Stumps
“Motherhood is that rooted stump. It looks humble from the outside looking in.” – Denise Trull
“Motherhood is that rooted stump. It looks humble from the outside looking in.” – Denise Trull
“The Mass must be studied and intimately, by each layman seeking understanding of Christ in the “mysteries” of the Mass.” – Denise Trull
“It happens here and there – in one soul at a time this birth in the land of shades where we slowly discover in startling reality Jesus’s words ‘Without Me you can do nothing’. But WITH Him?” – Denise Trull
“She began to converse like God converses with whoever knocks at his door. She was hosting HIS party.” – Densie Trull
‘Our Lady of Pontmain quietly entered into my life this morning quite by happenstance – if there be such a thing, really.” – Denise Trull
“The dying boy was carried to the pope in the protecting arms of a Christian soldier and Sixtus was able to tell him gently, ‘Tarcisius, Jesus is safe. You can let Him go now.’” – Denise Trull
“One would not expect to find any sort of Divine inspiration in such a scenario as late-night Walmart. But that would be to underestimate the creative ways God finds to crash into our distracted little brains.” – Denise Trull
“The pure of heart are magnificent to behold. Not in any need of protection. They have fought the beast and won.” – Denise Trull
“The Divine Office, then, is ” that hymn of praise” introduced by Christ to us from Heaven. It is His own prayer to the Father and He invites us to pray it along with Him.” – Denise Trull