Tag: This Present Paradise

Humility and High Ideals

A powerful letter written by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity before her death explores humility and magnanimity–two words which may seem contradictory but need each other, Claire Dwyer explains.


Take Up and Read

“Take up and read” the Bible-it’s a daily habit that can’t help but lead to holiness, as St. Elizabeth of the Trinity knew well. Claire Dwyer shares the power of reading scripture in today’s post.


Teach Us To Pray

Part 33 of This Present Paradise A Series of Reflections on St. Elizabeth of the Trinity (Start with part 1 here.)   When I was


Motherhood According to the Spirit

A woman’s heart, a woman’s soul is created to be like Mary’s — a refuge, a hiding place, a ‘shelter in which other souls may unfold’ in the words of St. Edith Stein.  Elizabeth was that safe place to fall and to find hope for everyone who knew her. Claire Dwyer continues the series today with a look at spiritual motherhood.


Called to Carmel for the Persecution

At the turn of the Century, it looked like the earthly forces were winning a decisive victory in France, and that Catholicism was being humiliated and beaten back. But God had another plan. Claire Dwyer continues her series on Elizabeth of the Trinity.

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