The Best Conditions for Daily Prayer
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview contemplative prayer expert Connie Rossini on Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book “Time for God” and what conditions are best for daily prayer.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview contemplative prayer expert Connie Rossini on Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book “Time for God” and what conditions are best for daily prayer.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview contemplative prayer expert Connie Rossini on Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book “Time for God” and the dispositions necessary for establishing a prayer life.
Join Dan Burke and Melissa Elson on Divine Intimacy Radio as they speak with Connie Rossini about what is necessary for establishing a lasting prayer life.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview Connie Rossini about the differences between Christian contemplative prayer and non-Christian Eastern meditation.
Dan Burke and guest host Stephanie Burke discuss authentic contemplative prayer with Connie Rossini.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson answer questions about feelings in prayer, the meaning of contemplative prayer, frustrations in life, and having two spiritual directors.
This week Dan and Melissa discuss a follow-up question about the writings of Father Anthony de Mello leading someone to the Catholic Church. Also, Dan answers questions regarding the need to disclose your past during spiritual direction, as well as discerning God’s voice in prayer.
St Peter of Alcantara lists six things necessary to prayer in the book Finding God Through Meditation. How can we use these six things to begin a daily prayer routine?
What do prayer and silence have to do with each other? How does this differ from centering prayer? And, what stages of prayer can we reach on our own? Learn from Connie Rossini as she explores Teresa of Avila’s teachings in Part II of this three-part series.
Should We Sit Quietly During Prayer? Part I of III Today I want to begin discussing misconceptions about the place of silence in prayer growth.