How Spiritual Direction Made Me a Better Parent
“If we are struggling in our service to the family, our prayer life is the first place we should look for answers.” – Dr. MaryRuth Hackett
“If we are struggling in our service to the family, our prayer life is the first place we should look for answers.” – Dr. MaryRuth Hackett
“Despite the enormous love and gratitude I have for my vocation to the priesthood, my ministry of spiritual direction remains, unexpectedly, the greatest joy of my life.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
Sometimes, masked within the deceptive trappings of an OCD disorder, an actual attack by the Evil One. Monsignor Stephen Rossetti explains.
“If a thousand small cuts can rob a man of his breath, it should follow that the so-called ejaculations of praise, petition, adoration, and thanksgiving for a Christian can help lead a man to life.” – Rob Marco
Rob Marco answers the question, “What makes for a fruitful retreat?”
“After a number of intense exorcism sessions, the demons were weakening. It seemed to me that they just might be weak enough to be compelled, by the power of Jesus, to reveal their names. Having their demonic names gives additional power to cast them out and suggests that the time of their exit is approaching.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
An exorcist — and all of us — must ‘up our game’ in the battle against evil.
Fr. Bartunek answers a reader’s question about growing in holiness.
Angels are messengers between God and men. But sometimes they are also messengers of their protégés. St. Gemma Galgani, a young Italian woman who was
“Finding a good spiritual director is not easy. However, for those serious about advancing in prayer and the interior life, it is important to keep looking until you find a good fit—not necessarily a ‘perfect’ person, but somebody pursuing holiness, knowledgeable about prayer and the Catholic faith, committed to the Magisterium, and deeply desirous to help you grow spiritually and discern the movements of the Holy Spirit in your life.” – Claire Dwyer