An Obscure Saint: Clare of the Cross
“When her body was cut open in a church-sanctified autopsy, the image of a crucifix is said to have been discovered etched on her heart.” – Jenny duBay
“When her body was cut open in a church-sanctified autopsy, the image of a crucifix is said to have been discovered etched on her heart.” – Jenny duBay
“I Just Can’t Pray” John looked out the window. Streetlamps and windows in neighboring homes lit the darkness of the approaching night. His gaze dropped
Claire Dwyer talks with Mark Hart of Life Teen International about making time for what is most important–and the dangers of sacrificing our prayer life on the altar of activity.
“Many of us will have the opportunity to experience one-time spiritual direction while on retreat. It can be valuable, but there are certain cautions that experienced directors offer about what to expect and how to make the best use of that single meeting.” – Claire Dwyer
Our newest class offerings include the Doctors of the Church, St. John of Avila, and Moral Theology. Be among the first to sign up!
David Torkington reflects on his early experiences of prayer and the importance of seeking God for God alone and not for his consolations.
Why do we celebrate the Solemnity of St Joseph today? Liz Estler reflects on this feast and explores the history and tradition surrounding it.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson on God’s gift of infused contemplation as alluded to in meditation #222 in the classic Carmelite book “Divine Intimacy”.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson reflect on this week’s “Divine Intimacy” meditation and discuss why God chooses to dwell in our souls.
Jessica Fahy concludes her two-part series on the demands of motherhood, focusing today on inconstancy in prayer and offering practical advice on what can be done about it.